Toll Free: 1-800-532-0201
E-mail: info@ontarc.com

External Resources

Listed below are websites which are provided as a resource:


Reporting Concerns and Legal Help for Long-Term Care Home Residents

Advocacy Centre for The Elderly (ACE)

The Advocacy Centre for the Elderly (ACE) provides legal services to seniors living on a low income. It focusses on areas of law that are of special importance to seniors.

For more information, visit www.acelaw.ca or call:

Toll-free .................................................1-855-598-2656
Toronto area ..............................................416-598-2656

Community Legal Education Ontario

Ministry of Long-Term Care – Filing Complaints

There are 2 ways to make a complaint directly to the Ministry. You can do it by telephone or in writing.

For urgent problems, such as harm, neglect or danger to residents - call the Long-term Care ACTION Line toll-free at 1-866-434-0144. TTY users call 1-800-387-5559.

For less urgent complaints, you can write the Ministry at:

Director, Long-Term Care Inspections Branch
Long-Term Care Homes Division
Central Intake, Assessment and Triage Team (CIATT)
119 King St. W. 11th Floor
Hamilton, ON  L8P 4Y7

Patient Ombudsman

The role of Ontario’s Patient Ombudsman is to investigate and resolve complaints about health care, without taking sides. This includes complaints about long-term care homes.

You have to make a complaint in writing. For more information, visit www.patientombudsman.ca or call - Toll-free 1-888-321-0339 | TTY 416-597-5371 | Toronto area 416-597-0339


The Ontario Ombudsman promotes fairness, accountability, and transparency in the public sector by investigating public complaints and systemic issues within his jurisdiction.


Toll-free (Ontario only): 1-800-263-1830
Outside Ontario: 416-586-3300
TTY (teletypewriter): 1-866-411-4211
Fax: 416-586-3485
Toll-free Fax: 1-866-863-2560
Email: info@ombudsman.on.ca

Resources for Retirement Home Residents’ Councils

Retirement Homes Regulatory Authority (RHRA)
Phone: 1-855-ASK-RHRA
Email: residents@rhra.ca

Complaints and Reporting Harm If you see or suspect a retirement home resident is being harmed or is at risk, please call 1‐855‐275‐7472.

Ontario Retirement Communities Association (ORCA)
Phone: 1-888-263-5556
Email: info@orcaretirement.com 

Please Note: The above links are not maintained by OARC and the statements and opinions expressed therein are those of the website owner/sponsor and do not necessarily reflect those of the OARC

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OARC is funded by the Ontario Ministry of Long-Term Care, membership dues and other revenue.
The views expressed in this publication are the views of OARC and do not necessarily reflect those of our supporters or the province.