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E-mail: info@ontarc.com


OARC hosts free interactive webinars on topics of interest to Residents’ Councils and their supportive partners.  To learn about our upcoming webinars, we encourage you to check back here often or register here to sign up for OARC’s monthly e-newsletter.  Have a webinar topic that you’d like to see covered? Email us here info@ontarc.com



Wednesday, September 18, 2024 | 2 to 3 pm

LIVE WEBINAR – Celebrating Residents’ Council Week

Hold the date and details to follow.

Register now:



Recorded Webinars

The list below contains past webinars that will provide you with the knowledge and tools to support a positive and effective Residents’ Council.  To view the webinar of your choice, please click on the links below. You will be prompted to register for the webinar and as soon as the registration has been completed you will have immediate access to the recorded webinar and education materials.

Date Topic
Jun 12, 2024 Setting up Your Residents Council for Success – Part Three | Slides NEW
May 8, 2024 Ministry of Long-Term Care – Spring Update | Slides - English | French
Mar 13, 2024 Empowering Change: How can Residents’ Councils Support Collaboration with Menu Planning and Pleasurable Dining in Long-Term Care | Slides
Feb 12, 2024 Friendship in Long-Term Care – Residents Connecting | Slides
Jan 10, 2024 Setting up Your Residents’ Council for Success: Part 2 | Slides| Residents’ Council Minute Template – English | French
Dec 6, 2023 Setting up Your Residents Council for Success: Part 1 | Slides | Residents’ Council Provisional Agenda - English | French
Nov 1 & 2, 2023 Information Sessions with Ministry Guests: Respiratory Illness Preparedness Updates | English Version, Slides | French Version, Slides | Memo
Oct 4, 2023 Saying Goodbye: What You Can Do to Support Residents at End-Of Life and Honour Them After Death | Slides | Resources
Sep 13, 2023 Residents’ Council Week Celebrations
Aug 2, 2023 Residents’ Council Week: Ideas and Inspiration | Slides
Jul 5, 2023 COVID-19 Response Measures Update – Webinar for Residents in Long-Term Care Homes | Slides: English | French
Jun 7, 2023 Introduction to Ministry of Long-Term Care Inspections: What Residents Can Expect (recording not available) | Slides
May 3, 2023  A Conversation about Resident Mental Health | Additional resources: Slides: English | French3-Minute Breathing Exercise, OARC’s Fact Sheet: Resident Wellness Fact Sheet
Apr 18, 2023 Resident Information Session: Ministry of Long-Term Care Update - Recent Regulation Changes | Slides: English  French | Information Sheet: English  French
Apr 5, 2023 HSO Standards Discussion with OARC Webinar | Webinar Slides: English | French
Mar 1, 2023 Residents’ Councils Supporting Collaboration with Menu Planning and Pleasurable Dining   | Slides
Feb 1, 2023 2023 Demystifying Residents’ Council Bylaws: What they are and why they are important for every Council | Slides available here | Implementing Residents’ Council Bylaws: Frequently Asked Questions
Oct 18, 2022 Ministry of Long-Term Care Pandemic Response Update Webinar for Residents
Sep 20, 2022 Ontario Ministry of Long-Term Care Information Session with Residents | Webinar Slides English | French
Sep 16, 2022 Residents Council Week Concert and Prize Draw with Deidrey Francois
Jun 14, 2022 What’s a Palliative Care Philosophy? Exploring the meaning behind your new Residents’ Right
May 18, 2022 Residents’ Bill of Rights under the new Fixing Long Term Care Homes Act | Slides available here
May 4, 2022 Mental Health Webinar for Residents
Apr 7, 2022 Overview of Fixing Long-Term Care Act, 2021 (New Legislation) with Ministry Guests: A Webinar for Residents, Families and Caregivers
Webinar Slides: English | French 
Feb 10, 2022 Ministry of Long-Term Care - Easing Pandemic Restrictions: Residents and Residents’ Councils | Webinar Slides
Feb 1, 2022 Telephone Scams and Internet Trickery
Nov 23, 2021 Creating Inclusive Communities with Ontario CLRI’s Diversity Calendar
Oct 13, 2021 LTC Food Purchasing, Production and Menu-Planning: Deepen Your Knowledge and Increase Engagement
Sep 15, 2021 Empowering Residents through LTC Food Foundations
Jun 8, 2021 Update with Ontario's Patient Ombudsman
Mar 23, 2021 Bringing Residents’ Bill of Rights Alive Through a Person-and Family-Centered Approach
Dec 15, 2020 Celebrate the Holidays with Craig Manning
Oct 29, 2020 Summary of Complaints to Patient Ombudsman from Residents, Caregivers, Staff - COVID-19
Sep 16, 2020 Residents' Councils: Exploring a New Normal
Jul 16, 2020 Therapeutic Professionals Supporting the Psychosocial Health of Residents in Long-Term Care Homes
Jun 25, 2020 Supporting Residents with Cognitive Changes During COVID-19
Jun 18, 2020 Caring for Long-Term Care Residents, a Message of Hope from our Government
Jun 10, 2020 Ontario Long-Term Care Inspection Program During COVID-19
Jun 9, 2020 Exploring the Impact of Mealtimes in LTC During an Outbreak
Apr 28, 2020 Courageously Living Through COVID-19 Together: Residents and Families – Part 2
Apr 15, 2020 Courageously Living Through COVID-19 Together: Residents and Families
Mar 18, 2020 Residents Exploring Resiliency in Times of Grief and Loss in Long-Term Care Homes
Dec 11, 2019 Councils Making Coin: Exploring Residents’ Council Finances, Fundraising and Spending
Nov 13, 2019 Preventing fractures in long-term care
Oct 9, 2019 Practical Tips to Start and Move Forward with the Through Our Eyes Program
Sep 11, 2019 A Champion for Fairness - Patient Ombudsman
Jul 16, 2019 Cohesive Living in Long-Term Care: Supporting Your Peers
Jun 19, 2019 Supporting Ontario LTC Homes and Secondary Schools Identify and Maximize Partnership Opportunities: Intergenerational Toolkit
May 22, 2019 Residents’ Councils Influencing Human Resources in Long-Term Care Homes
Apr 10, 2019 Residents Welcoming Residents: Peer Support Opportunities to Enhance the Transition to Long-Term Care
Mar 13, 2019 Spring Forward: Tip and Hints on Making the Most of Horticultural Activities
Feb 13, 2019 Residents’ Councils and Family Councils: Key Distinctions and Opportunities for Collaboration
Dec 12, 2018 Residents’ Councils Contributing to Wellness: Exploring Late Life Depression, Self-care and Encouraging Supports for the Resident and Caregiver
Nov 14, 2018 Becoming an OARC Board Director: Resident Leaders in Long-Term Care
Oct 10, 2018 Residents’ Councils and RNAO’s Best Practice Guideline: Person and Family Centred Care
Sep 12, 2018 Confessions of a (Former) Residents’ Council Assistant: The Good, the Bad, and Hindsight Reflections
Aug 8, 2018 LGBTQ2S: Moving Toward an Inclusive Culture in Long-Term Care - One Home's Journey
Jul 11, 2018 Finding Respectful, Compassionate Approaches to Persons Living with Dementia – Gentle Persuasive Approaches in Dementia Care
Jun 2018 Program Update: Through Our Eyes: Bringing the Residents’ Bill of Rights Alive
Apr 11, 2018 Improving Care Through Personhood Tools for Clinical Care in Long-Term Care Homes with Behavioural Supports Ontario (BSO)
Mar 14, 2018 Keeping it Together – Supporting Osteoporosis Knowledge in Long-Term Care Homes
Dec 13, 2017 OARC Introduces Residents’ Council Bylaw Template
Aug 9, 2017 Facilitating Residents’ Council Meetings
May 17, 2017 Managing Residents’ Council Finances
Feb 28, 2017 Transitioning to a Shared Leadership Model

*OARC uses Zoom for virtual education.  For more information and to test your connection click here.
Virtual, internet based education is accessible and convenient but can sometimes be unpredictable.  We will do our best to provide you with a quality experience.  Should a significant interruption occur, that affects the entire group, we will close the lines and reschedule the webinar.  Additionally, most OARC webinars are archived and accessible.

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OARC is funded by the Ontario Ministry of Long-Term Care, membership dues and other revenue.
The views expressed in this publication are the views of OARC and do not necessarily reflect those of our supporters or the province.