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Senior Selfie

Five and Forward! Celebrate the 5th Year of Residents’ Council Week with an OARC Photo Contest

We invite you to participate in a special photo contest to commemorate the 5th annual Residents’ Council Week!  Working with your home’s Residents’ Council, capture five moments that showcase what a good day looks like at your long-term care home.  This might include a few snapshots of residents engaging in a favourite activity or program, a joyful connection amongst friends, or another aspect of daily life that your Residents’ Council members look forward to.

Five lucky Residents’ Council groups will be selected by random draw to receive one of five $50 gift certificates. Please submit your entries by September 23, 2024. We can’t wait to see photos that capture the spirit of your communities and what makes them special.

*Instructions: Send up to 5 photos that include names, titles and emails (if applicable) of those members pictured to Jennifer Langston jlangston@ontarc.com.  Participants must live and/or work in a long-term care home in Ontario.  Please complete a photo permission form as photos will be used in a video celebrating Residents’ Council Week 2024 and will be featured in OARC communications.



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OARC is funded by the Ontario Ministry of Long-Term Care, membership dues and other revenue.
The views expressed in this publication are the views of OARC and do not necessarily reflect those of our supporters or the province.